Important Salvation Words in Romans

In order to properly understand the concept of salvation by grace, it is important to understand some of the vocabulary used in Paul’s writings to explain the process. Following are these important words along with their precise definitions: Grace The Greek noun for “grace” is “χάρις” (charis). It is used 130 times in the New Testament and literally means “extended … Read More

The Plan of Salvation

Salvation is the supernatural act of God whereby we are born again (spiritually) into the Body of Christ. Salvation is not acquired through good deeds as so many believe, but rather through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. In John 3, a very religious leader of the Jews came to Jesus to inquire. Jesus told … Read More

What The Bible Says About Eternal Life

Most religions (but not all) contain some provisions for eternal life of the soul after death. Today many Christians tend to confuse what they have heard regarding other religions with true Bible doctrine. Even within the realm of churches who proclaim to be based upon the Bible, there are tendencies to mix a measure of humanistic ideology with scripture, resulting … Read More